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Jogtudomány (18)
Politikai tudományok (724)
Pszichológiai tudományok (4)
Szociológia (3)
Trends in US Science Funding
Alan I. Leshner
15 éve - 11:53
Enabling Breakthroughs - Fostering Creativity
Wilhelm Krull
15 éve - 16:26
Science Funding and the Post-Crisis World
Tateo Arimoto
15 éve - 14:38
Session introduction
Alan I. Leshner
15 éve - 2:14
Questions & answers
Dame Wendy Hall CBE
15 éve - 23:51
Neuroscience in education - Research in service of
Dr. Prof. Csépe Valéria
15 éve - 16:10
Searching for our origins - my (personnel) travel
Maria Teresa Lago
15 éve - 20:43
Women in Science in Australia: Picking up the pace
Penny D. Sackett
15 éve - 21:19
Advancing the role of women in science: work in
Ana María Cetto
15 éve - 22:09
Women and leadership, from an engineer's
Julia King
15 éve - 20:00
Women as co-creators of the global future
Sudha Nair
15 éve - 17:45
Spectroscopy of the oldest stars
Beatriz Barbuy
15 éve - 10:03