Politikai tudományok
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Tudomány és társadalom (1)
Commentaries and questions
13 éve - 48:37
Session Introduction
13 éve - 2:36
Capacity Building in Education – can small
Dr. Kari Raivio
13 éve - 15:38
Building Capacity for Science, Technology and
Prof. Romain Murenzi
13 éve - 16:12
Presentation, Plenary Session II. - Gebisa Ejeta
Prof. Gebisa Ejeta
13 éve - 16:06
A New World Order or an Ordered New World?: Re
HRH Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan
13 éve - 11:26
Presentation, Plenary Session II. - Vilasro
Vilasrao Deshmukh
13 éve - 12:25
Presentation, Plenary Session II. - Daniel
Prof. Daniel Hershkowitz
13 éve - 12:49
Emerging Powerhouses in Science and Technologies
Dr. Prof. Mukhtar Ahmed
13 éve - 15:18
Session introduction
Jacob Palis
13 éve - 1:00
Networks Made Life, Life Makes Networks
Szathmáry Eörs
13 éve - 20:49
Networks and Neurosciences
Vizi E. Szilveszter
13 éve - 1:38