World Science Forum 2005
World Science Forum 2005 (102)
Tudás, Etika, FelelősségMission of the World Science Forum: At the dawn of the 21st century, scientific knowledge plays an essential part of our everyday lives. Scientific knowledge is not only the result of scientific endeavor and human curiosity but it is also a powerful means of understanding human nature, society and the natural world on which we depend. In the past, the main role of science has been the production of new knowledge in order to satisfy the inherent curiosity of the human mind. Most recently, scientific advancement has become the main driver for development in society. Because of this, there are real opportunities for science to make a significant contribution to the sustainable livelihood development of humankind. In spite of its spectacular development and new opportunities, scientific pursuit for knowledge in the 21st century faces wavering confidence, unseen dilemmas, unexpected challenges, and brand-new questions. These problems can be solved only if the main producers and users of knowledge are able to reach a common ground for the new roles of knowledge and science in today's global society. UNESCO and ICSU organized the first World Conference on Science in Budapest in 1999. Delegates of the World Conference on Science decided on a series of follow-up conferences. Inspired by the first World Conference on Science and in order to promote the quality of dialogue concerning the new roles and challenges of scientific knowledge within today.s global society, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (in partnership with UNESCO and ICSU) has established the World Science Forum - Budapest; a world conference series on science, knowledge, and society.
Closing plenary (19)Perspectives from the developing world (7)
The future of the environment (11)
Educating future generations (12)
The role of business (11)
The scientists' approach - The political decision makers' approach (7)
Capacity building and implementation (7)
Plenary session (19)
Opening ceremony (9)
Social Responsibility versus Economic Efficiency?
Alexander Lámfalussy
15 éve - 34:50
Changing Climate for Science, Society and Public
Alan I. Leshner
15 éve - 28:10
Plenary speech by Nobel-laureate Werner Arber
Werner Arber
15 éve - 23:58
Closing Remarks
Jeszenszky Géza
15 éve - 5:51
Opening Remarks
Mustafa El-Tayeb
A. Boksenberg 15 éve - 6:26
A. Boksenberg 15 éve - 6:26
Opening Statement
Walter Erdelen
15 éve - 7:27
India's Emergence as a Global Innovation Hub: The
Raghunath Anant Mashelkar
15 éve - 23:48
Impact of the ICT Boom - India Stands Up
Ashok Jhunjhunwala
15 éve - 16:02
Capacity Building and Implementation
Mohammed Hassan
15 éve - 15:11
The Contribution of R&D to the Nigerian Economy
Turner Isoun
15 éve - 15:45
Panel Discussion
15 éve - 42:48
Section chair introduction
Peter A. Freeman
15 éve - 7:36